Sunday, 20 November 2011

Back to Work and as usual other stuff

Well laid up with Asthenia - even had an ECG. Doctor said - Oh by the way the tickers going fine, just a bit slow! Apparently he  and the nurse could detect extra beats in the heart that I couldn't. Have had a revisit to the doctor full of a cold - suggested I returned when I felt better! It is to check over the BP not to check I have a leg or an arm sticking out at each corner.

Citroen C15D
However the important stuff. We did the first trip in the little white camper. All the way to Skipool - no photos. Expect to join the Romahome club shortly. Lovely little thing but there is so much wrong at present - nothing insurmountable - just expensive. Bought a new leisure battery - there's a few quid gone. Am going to need a charger too.... How about wheels?

View from the front
C15 Romahome
Been on the bike today 12 miles to a car boot sale came back loaded- as in loaded up - legs turned to jelly.

Been a while since that's happened - Of to Edinburgh with students - in a hotel! (I unwittingly wrote hotel here! Its a hostel - there was I lounging in hot baths going to the gym deli - foods of choice evening bar - escorted tours - that much is true.) ( have to be fair I quite enjoyed it clean, tidy room was pretty secure - would I go again YES! - prices good too- food could be awsome!)  Chance to run and take photos - for the blog.

At last some proper work. I hope things have been done while I have been away.

Go Tux Go
After 20 years of telling students not to spill drinks on the computers - spilled cappuccino on mine. I now have a nice Applemac look alike one on my rig now. But the keyboard is all spongy just like an Apple. ARRRG!! Its a Linux machine!! This can't be right!

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Off Work!

Seem to have got some sort of virus! Seems to be in the post stage and I will get better. Blown up 2 modems with big spikes on the phone line - where are those suppressors Amazon! Hurry! But producing electricity - need to check that both banks are producing power. Will post pictures.

No runs or rides - Having cabin fever here. Left people in the lurch running around after me not so good... No pictures to add - and not a lot done to the blog.

There will be another Kiva loan in the next couple of days: That will bring up 8 in all. Will post a picture. Seems to be another Bee keeper! Good luck Alen. It will be 2013 when you have paid off your loan to all of us.

Thanks to the PTR's who unknowingly support the Third World edge a little closer to a realistic and decent way of life!
Alen is engaged in beekeeping. He would like to expand his business, for which he needs some financial investemnts. With the requested loan Alen plans to purchase beehives. Additional beehives will allow Alen to develop his beekeeping business and increase his income. This is very important for Alen and his family, as he plans to get married. Additional income will help his family in the future. Alen lives with his parents.

Will be putting video on more blogs from now on. The first vid seems to have gone down well. Having a bath and an early night. Reading Shackletons Antarctic adventure - what an amazing leader of men!

Sunday, 13 November 2011

Lighteach Flattened

Sorry to say that "Lighteach", a fine old Victorian house on the Promenade has been flattened! Pictures of the original are here

On a lighter note the solar panels are up and producing electricity - but they are taking out the ancient breaker. Big bill tomorrow to renew this.

So have had 1 day of free electrickery! Then the RCD blew. However the sparks are coming back to replace the consumer unit with a brand spanker. Not in the budget so its extra! However it has taken out the Modem. I didn't know this at the time and just decided that it had thrown its hand in... Bought a new one breaker went again... Modem broke. Realised the problem, blagged my way with PC world and got my money back. Bought a Belkin wireless modem that is flying along. Fitted downstairs. Plenty of research later discovered that large spikes of voltage and current can cause these issues. Have bought myself a £10 surge adapter for the mains and I have a couple of Ethernet and Phone protectors coming from Amazon. I will add more to the blog when these things are understood. Also when the solar panels are actually producing power. I think the new rate at 21pence was probably a goer too - but it has sure taken heart out of the industry. Guess lucky to have it fitted in time for the higher rate.

So a good idea, but again it costs!

Lastly Mildred has moved in a 20 year old campervan has taken up residence in our drive. Disheveled orphan and has got more oversteer than a 32 wheeler. Goodness knows how she drives in the snow! Needs lots doing but we have big plans.