Friday, 20 January 2012

Well the 17th of Jan!

First of the running - done about 10 runs - didn't stop on any of them but all within a comfortable distance - sort of running every other day - should be running tonight but awaiting new shoes! My right hip hurts. Maybe its throwing the leg out a little bit. The old Sauconies seem a lot fossilated to me! Bit like their owner!

2 more Kiva loans - again Paraguay - just seem like worthy loans - but again they all are: Probably appear in the right  panel. 2 loans because the click throughs are working.

Kuña Arandu Group

Mujeres Emprendedoras Group

Milly and I have been out too, did a bit of photography with the new lens on - not sure I'm impressed at all. Picture here below. Still an 18 to 55 Canon lens with IS

Picture below. Its actually close to vignetting on the wide angle and I don't think the other did that.

Ashton Gardens - at least there are no ugly purple rings around the branches

Finally Curly Poodle cards is now off the ground - Di's passion has gone global - within 20 minutes of going "live" she got her first order 

Click Here!

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