I had realised that I had done a poor job at St Helen's church in Churchtown so I revisited. Found the fragment of the southern cross. Tilting at a crazy angle. More pix of the other cross in the graveyard and a rather interesting "head" on a wall. Took more pictures of the Market Cross too. never realised that there was a sundial on the top.
Revisited St Michaels on Wyre too. Interesting sundial in the south side of the church, also some worked stone by the west wall. Highlighted in the blog.
Photographed the cross on the A6 - this is recognised in the book.
This post will be worked on in the next couple of days with links. I hadn't realised how much interesting information lies Over Wyre.
Revisited St Michaels on Wyre too. Interesting sundial in the south side of the church, also some worked stone by the west wall. Highlighted in the blog.
Photographed the cross on the A6 - this is recognised in the book.
This post will be worked on in the next couple of days with links. I hadn't realised how much interesting information lies Over Wyre.