Wednesday, 30 May 2012

The Challenge

Well I haven't actually committed myself yet... but the London Edinburgh 1400 kilometre ride sure seems like the real deal next July (2013). Ramping out several miles a day is a good background, although the legs are pretty tired. The idea of doing 150 miles a day over 5 days seems like quite a tough deal.

There seems to be several bits of work to be done to the bike. A dynohub at the front and lighting too seems like a good idea. It can come off and be fitted to the commuter bike. The people whose use them seem to be able to  disregard the drag factor. How does it compare with carrying batteries. My heaviest items of moving weight are probably my shoes. Targets include the Mary Townley Route, The Fred Whitton, and the Pendle Way too. That's on a bike. The Fellsman 2013 and assorted LDWA events will all be parts of the toughening up. A colleague of mine admittedly younger has completed the End to End quite successfully - admittedly the weather was great and the wind was following but a great run.

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